创新工场讲AI课:从知识到实践 (Chinese)
李开复, 王咏刚, 张潼, 宋彦, 屠可伟, 张发恩, 唐剑, 张弥, 吴佳洪, 刘宁.
电子工业出版社, 2021.
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Survey and Vision Papers
Artificial Intelligence of Things: A Survey
Shakhrul Iman Siam, Hyunho Ahn, Li Liu, Samiul Alam, Hui Shen, Zhichao Cao, Ness Shroff, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Mani Srivastava, Mi Zhang.
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (ACM TOSN), August 2024.
The Internet of Things in the Era of Generative AI: Vision and Challenges
Xin Wang, Zhongwei Wan, Arvin Hekmati, Mingyu Zong, Samiul Alam, Mi Zhang, Bhaskar Krishnamachari.
IEEE Internet Computing Magazine (IEEE IC), August 2024.
Efficient Large Language Models: A Survey
Zhongwei Wan, Xin Wang, Che Liu, Samiul Alam, Yu Zheng, Jiachen Liu, Zhongnan Qu, Shen Yan, Yi Zhu, Quanlu Zhang, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Mi Zhang.
Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR), May 2024.
Federated Learning for Internet of Things: Applications, Challenges, and Opportunities
Tuo Zhang, Lei Gao, Chaoyang He, Mi Zhang, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, and Salman Avestimehr.
IEEE Internet of Things Magazine (IEEE IoTM), March 2022.
Personal Sensing: Understanding Mental Health Using Ubiquitous Sensors and Machine Learning
David C. Mohr, Mi Zhang, and Stephen M. Schueller.
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology (ARCP), March 2017.
MEIT: Multi-Modal Electrocardiogram Instruction Tuning on Large Language Models for Report Generation
Zhongwei Wan, Che Liu, Xin Wang, Chaofan Tao, Hui Shen, Zhenwu Peng, Jie Fu, Rossella Arcucci, Huaxiu Yao, Mi Zhang.
GPT-FL: Generative Pre-trained Model-Assisted Federated Learning
Tuo Zhang, Tiantian Feng, Samiul Alam, Mi Zhang, Shrikanth S Narayanan, Salman Avestimehr.
SVD-LLM V2: Optimizing Singular Value Truncation for Large Language Model Compression
Xin Wang, Samiul Alam, Zhongwei Wan, Hui Shen, Mi Zhang.
Annual Conference of the Nations of the Americas Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL'25).
MEDA: Dynamic KV Cache Allocation for Efficient Multimodal Long-Context Inference
Zhongwei Wan, Hui Shen, Xin Wang, Che Liu, Zheda Mai, Mi Zhang.
Annual Conference of the Nations of the Americas Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL'25).
SVD-LLM: Truncation-aware Singular Value Decomposition for Large Language Model Compression
Xin Wang, Yu Zheng, Zhongwei Wan, Mi Zhang.
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR'25).
Acceptance Rate: 32.08%
D2O: Dynamic Discriminative Operations for Efficient Long-Context Inference of Large Language Models
Zhongwei Wan, Xinjian Wu, Yu Zhang, Yi Xin, Chaofan Tao, Zhihong Zhu, Xin Wang, Siqi Luo, Jing Xiong, Mi Zhang.
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR'25).
Acceptance Rate: 32.08%
GeoFL: A Framework for Efficient Geo-Distributed Cross-Device Federated Learning
Maolin Gan, Lanpeng Li, Samiul Alam, Li Liu, Luyang Liu, Mi Zhang, Zhichao Cao.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM'25).
Acceptance Rate: 272/1458 = 18.7%
ChirpTransformer: Versatile LoRa Encoding for Low-Power Wide-Area IoT
Chenning Li, Yidong Ren, Shuai Tong, Shakhrul Iman Siam, Mi Zhang, Jiliang Wang, Yunhao Liu, Zhichao Cao.
ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys'24).
Acceptance Rate: 43/263 = 16.3%
Demeter: Reliable Cross-Soil LPWAN with Low-Cost Signal Polarization Alignment
Yidong Ren, Wei Sun, Jialuo Du, Huaili Zeng, Younsuk Dong, Mi Zhang, Shigang Chen, Yunhao Liu, Tianxing Li, Zhichao Cao.
ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom'24).
Acceptance Rate: 103/494 = 20.9%
FedAIoT: A Federated Learning Benchmark for Artificial Intelligence of Things
Samiul Alam, Tuo Zhang, Tiantian Feng, Hui Shen, Zhichao Cao, Dong Zhao, JeongGil Ko, Kiran Somasundaram, Shrikanth S. Narayanan, Salman Avestimehr, Mi Zhang.
Journal of Data-centric Machine Learning Research (DMLR), 2024.
ETP: Learning Transferable ECG Representations via ECG-Text Pre-Training
Che Liu, Zhongwei Wan, Sibo Cheng, Mi Zhang, Rossella Arcucci.
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'24).
Famba-V: Fast Vision Mamba with Cross-Layer Token Fusion
Hui Shen, Zhongwei Wan, Xin Wang, and Mi Zhang.
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'24) Workshop on Computational Aspects of Deep Learning.
Ph.D. Thesis: Efficient Architecture and Data Manipulation for Deep Learning Systems
Yu Zheng, 2024.
AttFL: A Personalized Federated Learning Framework for Time-series Mobile and Embedded Sensor Data Processing
JaeYeon Park, Kichang Lee, Sungmin Lee, Mi Zhang, JeongGil Ko.
ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp'23).
FedMultimodal: A Benchmark For Multimodal Federated Learning
Tiantian Feng, Digbalay Bose, Tuo Zhang, Rajat Hebbar, Anil Ramakrishna, Rahul Gupta, Mi Zhang, Salman Avestimehr, and Shrikanth Narayanan.
ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD'23).
FedAudio: A Federated Learning Benchmark for Audio Tasks
Tuo Zhang, Tiantian Feng, Samiul Alam, Sunwoo Lee, Mi Zhang, Shrikanth Narayanan, and Salman Avestimehr.
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'23).
TimelyFL: Heterogeneity-aware Asynchronous Federated Learning with Adaptive Partial Training
Tuo Zhang, Lei Gao, Sunwoo Lee, Mi Zhang, and Salman Avestimehr.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'23) Workshop on Federated Learning for Computer Vision.
NELoRa-Bench: A Benchmark for Neural-enhanced LoRa Demodulation
Jialuo Du, Yidong Ren, Mi Zhang, Yunhao Liu, and Zhichao Cao.
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR'23) Workshop on Machine Learning for IoT.
VideoCoCa: Video-Text Modeling with Zero-Shot Transfer from Contrastive Captioners
Shen Yan, Tao Zhu, Zirui Wang, Yuan Cao, Mi Zhang, Soham Ghosh, Yonghui Wu, Jiahui Yu.
AutoTaskFormer: Searching Vision Transformers for Multi-task Learning
Yang Liu, Shen Yan, Yuge Zhang, Kan Ren, Quanlu Zhang, Zebin Ren, Deng Cai, Mi Zhang.
Master Thesis: Federated Learning Benchmarks and Frameworks for Artificial Intelligence of Things
Samiul Alam, 2023.
FedRolex: Model-Heterogeneous Federated Learning with Rolling Sub-Model Extraction
Samiul Alam, Luyang Liu, Ming Yan, and Mi Zhang.
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS'22).
Acceptance Rate: 2665/10411 = 25.6%
PyramidFL: A Fine-grained Client Selection Framework for Efficient Federated Learning
Chenning Li, Xiao Zeng, Mi Zhang, and Zhichao Cao.
ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom'22).
Acceptance Rate: 56/314 = 17.8%
FedSEA: A Semi-Asynchronous Federated Learning Framework for Extremely Heterogeneous Devices
Jingwei Sun, Ang Li, Lin Duan, Samiul Alam, Xuliang Deng, Xin Guo, Haiming Wang, Maria Gorlatova, Mi Zhang, Hai Li, Yiran Chen.
ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys'22).
Acceptance Rate: 52/208 = 25%
FedTune: Automatic Tuning of Federated Learning Hyper-Parameters from System Perspective
Huanle Zhang, Mi Zhang, Xin Liu, Prasant Mohapatra, and Michael Delucia.
IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM'22).
Deep AutoAugment
Yu Zheng, Zhi Zhang, Shen Yan, and Mi Zhang.
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR'22).
Acceptance Rate: 1095/3391 = 32.3%
Multiview Transformers for Video Recognition
Shen Yan, Xuehan Xiong, Anurag Arnab, Zhichao Lu, Mi Zhang, Chen Sun, Cordelia Schmid.
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'22).
Acceptance Rate: 2067/8161 = 25.3%
Ph.D. Thesis: New Perspectives in Neural Architecture Search: Architecture Embeddings, Efficient Performance Estimations, and their Applications
Shen Yan, 2022.
A Field Guide to Federated Optimization
Jianyu Wang, Zachary Charles, Zheng Xu, Gauri Joshi, H. Brendan McMahan, Blaise Aguera y Arcas, Maruan Al-Shedivat, Galen Andrew, Salman Avestimehr, Katharine Daly, Deepesh Data, Suhas Diggavi, Hubert Eichner, Advait Gadhikar, Zachary Garrett, Antonious M. Girgis, Filip Hanzely, Andrew Hard, Chaoyang He, Samuel Horvath, Zhouyuan Huo, Alex Ingerman, Martin Jaggi, Tara Javidi, Peter Kairouz, Satyen Kale, Sai Praneeth Karimireddy, Jakub Konecny, Sanmi Koyejo, Tian Li, Luyang Liu, Mehryar Mohri, Hang Qi, Sashank J. Reddi, Peter Richtarik, Karan Singhal, Virginia Smith, Mahdi Soltanolkotabi, Weikang Song, Ananda Theertha Suresh, Sebastian U. Stich, Ameet Talwalkar, Hongyi Wang, Blake Woodworth, Shanshan Wu, Felix X. Yu, Honglin Yuan, Manzil Zaheer, Mi Zhang, Tong Zhang, Chunxiang Zheng, Chen Zhu, Wennan Zhu.
Mercury: Efficient On-Device Distributed DNN Training via Stochastic Importance Sampling
Xiao Zeng, Ming Yan, and Mi Zhang.
ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys'21).
Acceptance Rate: 25/139 = 18%
FedMask: Joint Computation and Communication-Efficient Personalized Federated Learning via Heterogeneous Masking
Ang Li, Jingwei Sun, Xiao Zeng, Mi Zhang, Hai Li, and Yiran Chen.
ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys'21).
Acceptance Rate: 25/139 = 18%
NELoRa: Towards Ultra-low SNR LoRa Communication with Neural-enhanced Demodulation
Chenning Li, Hanqing Guo, Shuai Tong, Xiao Zeng, Zhichao Cao, Mi Zhang, Qiben Yan, Li Xiao, Jiliang Wang, and Yunhao Liu.
ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys'21).
Acceptance Rate: 25/139 = 18%
DeepLoRa: Learning Accurate Path Loss Model for Long Distance Links in LPWAN
Li Liu, Yuguang Yao, Zhichao Cao, and Mi Zhang.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM'21).
Acceptance Rate: 252/1266 = 19.9%
CATE: Computation-aware Neural Architecture Encoding with Transformers
Shen Yan, Kaiqiang Song, Fei Liu, and Mi Zhang.
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML'21).
Acceptance Rate: 166/5513 = 3% (Long Talk)
Deep AutoAugment
Yu Zheng, Zhi Zhang, Shen Yan, and Mi Zhang.
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML'21) Workshop on Machine Learning for Data.
Towards Position-Independent Sensing for Gesture Recognition with Wi-Fi
Ruiyang Gao, Mi Zhang, Jie Zhang, Yang Li, Enze Yi, Dan Wu, Leye Wang, and Daqing Zhang.
ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp'21).
Ph.D. Thesis: Collaborative Distributed Deep Learning Systems on the Edges
Xiao Zeng, 2021.
Does Unsupervised Architecture Representation Learning Help Neural Architecture Search?
Shen Yan, Yu Zheng, Wei Ao, Xiao Zeng, and Mi Zhang.
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS'20).
Acceptance Rate: 1900/9454 = 20.1%
FedML: A Research Library and Benchmark for Federated Machine Learning
Chaoyang He, Songze Li, Jinhyun So, Xiao Zeng, Mi Zhang, Hongyi Wang, Xiaoyang Wang, Praneeth Vepakomma, Abhishek Singh, Hang Qiu, Li Shen, Peilin Zhao, Yan Kang, Yang Liu, Ramesh Raskar, Qiang Yang, Murali Annavaram, Salman Avestimehr.
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS'20) Federated Learning Workshop.
MutualNet: Adaptive ConvNet via Mutual Learning from Network Width and Resolution
Taojiannan Yang, Sijie Zhu, Chen Chen, Shen Yan, Mi Zhang, and Andrew Willis.
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'20).
Acceptance Rate: 104/5025 = 2%
FlexDNN: Input-Adaptive On-Device Deep Learning for Efficient Mobile Vision
Biyi Fang, Xiao Zeng, Faen Zhang, Hui Xu, and Mi Zhang.
ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC'20).
Acceptance Rate: 21/96 = 21.9%
Distream: Scaling Live Video Analytics with Workload-Adaptive Distributed Edge Intelligence
Xiao Zeng, Biyi Fang, Haichen Shen, and Mi Zhang.
ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys'20).
Acceptance Rate: 43/213 = 20.2%
Wi-Fi See It All: Generative Adversarial Network-augmented Versatile Wi-Fi Imaging
Chenning Li, Zheng Liu, Yuguang Yao, Zhichao Cao, Mi Zhang, and Yunhao Liu.
ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys'20).
Acceptance Rate: 43/213 = 20.2%
SecWIR: Securing Smart Home IoT Communications via Wi-Fi Routers with Embedded Intelligence
Xinyu Lei, Guan-Hua Tu, Chi-Yu Li, Tian Xie, and Mi Zhang.
ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys'20).
Acceptance Rate: 34/175 = 19.4%
SCYLLA: QoE-aware Continuous Mobile Vision with FPGA-based Dynamic Deep Neural Network Reconfiguration
Shuang Jiang, Zhiyao Ma, Xiao Zeng, Chenren Xu, Mi Zhang, Chen Zhang, and Yunxin Liu.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM'20).
Acceptance Rate: 268/1354 = 19.8%
Deep Learning in the Era of Edge Computing: Challenges and Opportunities
Mi Zhang, Faen Zhang, Nicholas D. Lane, Yuanchao Shu, Xiao Zeng, Biyi Fang, Shen Yan, and Hui Xu.
Book chapter in Fog Computing: Theory and Practice, Wiley, 2020.
MSUNet: A Framework for Designing Tiny Neural Networks for On-Device AI
Yu Zheng*, Shen Yan*, and Mi Zhang.
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS'19) Google MicroNet Challenge.
HM-NAS: Efficient Neural Architecture Search via Hierarchical Masking
Shen Yan, Biyi Fang, Faen Zhang, Yu Zheng, Xiao Zeng, Hui Xu, and Mi Zhang.
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'19) Neural Architects Workshop.
Federated Learning: The Future of Distributed Machine Learning
Mi Zhang.
SyncedReview @ Medium, 2019.
AutoML Mobile: Automated ML Model Design for Every Mobile Device
Mi Zhang.
SyncedReview @ Medium, 2019.
Mobile Sensing of Alertness, Sleep, and Circadian Rhythm: Hardware and Software Platforms
Akane Sano, Tauhidur Rahman, Mi Zhang, Deepak Ganesan, and Tanzeem Choudhury.
ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review (GetMobile), Volume 23, Issue 3, 2019.
Communication Challenges in the IoT
Mi Zhang, Xiaofan Jiang, and Steve Hodges.
IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine (IEEE Pervasive Computing), Volume 18, Issue 1, 2019.
Ph.D. Thesis: Adaptive On-device Deep Learning Systems
Biyi Fang, 2019.
NestDNN: Resource-Aware Multi-Tenant On-Device Deep Learning for Continuous Mobile Vision
Biyi Fang*, Xiao Zeng*, and Mi Zhang.
ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom'18).
Acceptance Rate: 42/187 = 22.5%
Efficient Federated Learning via Variational Dropout
Wei Du, Xiao Zeng, Ming Yan, and Mi Zhang.
The Dark Side of Operational Wi-Fi Calling Services
Tian Xie, Guan-Hua Tu, Chi-Yu Li, Chunyi Peng, Jiawei Li, and Mi Zhang.
IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS'18).
Acceptance Rate: 52/181 = 28.7%
When Virtual Reality Meets Internet of Things in the Gym: Enabling Immersive Interactive Machine Exercises
Fazlay Rabbi*, Taiwoo Park*, Biyi Fang, Mi Zhang, and Youngki Lee.
ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp'18).
When Mixed Reality Meets Internet of Things: Toward the Realization of Ubiquitous Mixed Reality
Taiwoo Park, Mi Zhang, and Youngki Lee.
ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review (GetMobile), Volume 22, Issue 1, 2018.
Exploring User Needs for a Mobile Behavioral-Sensing Technology for Depression Management: Qualitative Study
Jingbo Meng, Syed Ali Hussain, David C. Mohr, Mary Czerwinski, and Mi Zhang.
Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Special Issue on Computing and Mental Health, 2018.
Impact Factor: 5.175
MobileDeepPill: A Small-Footprint Mobile Deep Learning System for Recognizing Unconstrained Pill Images
Xiao Zeng, Kai Cao, and Mi Zhang.
ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys'17).
Acceptance Rate: 34/188 = 18%
DeepASL: Enabling Ubiquitous and Non-Intrusive Word and Sentence-Level Sign Language Translation
Biyi Fang, Jillian Co, and Mi Zhang.
ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys'17).
Acceptance Rate: 26/151 = 17%
SharpEar: Real-Time Speech Enhancement in Noisy Environments (Poster)
Xiao Zeng, Kai Cao, Haochen Sun, and Mi Zhang.
ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp'17).
Helping Universities Combat Depression with Mobile Technology
Mi Zhang, David C. Mohr, and Jingbo Meng.
The Conversation, 2017.
BodyScan: Enabling Radio-based Sensing on Wearable Devices for Contactless Activity and Vital Sign Monitoring
Biyi Fang, Nicholas D. Lane, Mi Zhang, Aidan Boran, and Fahim Kawsar.
ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys'16).
Acceptance Rate: 31/197 = 15.7%
HeadScan: A Wearable System for Radio-based Sensing of Head and Mouth-related Activities
Biyi Fang, Nicholas D. Lane, Mi Zhang, and Fahim Kawsar.
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN'16).
Acceptance Rate: 23/117 = 19.7%
AirSense: An Intelligent Home-based Sensing System for Indoor Air Quality Analytics
Biyi Fang, Qiumin Xu, Taiwoo Park, and Mi Zhang.
ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp'16).
Acceptance Rate: 114/481 = 23.7%
DoppleSleep: A Contactless Unobtrusive Sleep Sensing System Using Short-Range Doppler Radar
Tauhidur Rahman, Alexander Adams, Ruth Ravichandran, Mi Zhang, Shwetak Patel, Julie Kientz, and Tanzeem Choudhury.
ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp'15).
MyBehavior: Automatic Personalized Health Feedback from User Behavior and Preference using Smartphones
Mashfiqui Rabbi, Min Hane Aung, Mi Zhang, and Tanzeem Choudhury.
ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp'15).
Mobile Phone Sensor Correlates of Depressive Symptom Severity in Daily-Life Behavior: An Exploratory Study
Sohrob Saeb, Mi Zhang, Christopher J. Karr, Stephen M. Schueller, Marya E. Corden, Konrad P. Kording, and David C. Mohr.
Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), Volume 17, Issue 7, Pages e175, 2015.
The Relationship between Clinical, Momentary, and Sensor-based Assessment of Depression
Sohrob Saeb, Mi Zhang, Mary Kwasney, Christopher J. Karr, Konrad Kording, and David C. Mohr.
International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth'15).
Automated Personalized Feedback for Physical Activity and Dietary Behavior Change with Mobile Phones: A Randomized Controlled Trial on Adults
Mashfiqui Rabbi, Angela Pfammatter, Mi Zhang, Bonnie Spring, and Tanzeem Choudhury.
Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) mHealth and uHealth, Volume 3, Issue 2, Pages e42, 2015.
An Intelligent Crowd-Worker Selection Approach for Reliable Content Labeling of Food Images
Mashfiqui Rabbi, Jean Costa, Fabian Okeke, Max Schachere, Mi Zhang, and Tanzeem Choudhury.
ACM International Conference on Wireless Health (WH'15).
BodyBeat: A Mobile System for Sensing Non-Speech Body Sounds
Tauhidur Rahman, Alexander Adams, Mi Zhang, Erin Cherry, Bobby Zhou, Huaishu Peng, and Tanzeem Choudhury.
ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys'14).
Acceptance Rate: 25/185 = 13.5%
Towards Accurate Non-Intrusive Recollection of Stress Levels Using Mobile Sensing and Contextual Recall
Tauhidur Rahman, Mi Zhang, Stephen Voida, and Tanzeem Choudhury.
International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth'14).
Acceptance Rate: 26%
2013 and Earlier
Human Daily Activity Recognition with Sparse Representation Using Wearable Sensors
Mi Zhang and Alexander A. Sawchuk.
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI), Volume 17, Issue 3, Pages 553-560, 2013.
Towards Practical Energy Expenditure Estimation with Mobile Phones
Harshvardhan Vathsangam, Mi Zhang, Alexander Tarashansky, Alexander A. Sawchuk, and Gaurav S. Sukhatme.
The Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (ASILOMAR), 2013.
Motion Primitive-Based Human Activity Recognition Using a Bag-of-Features Approach
Mi Zhang and Alexander A. Sawchuk.
ACM SIGHIT International Health Informatics Symposium (IHI), 2012.
Towards Pervasive Physical Rehabilitation Using Microsoft Kinect
Chien-Yen Chang, Belinda Lange, Mi Zhang, Sebastian Koenig, Phil Requejo, Noom Somboon, Alexander Sawchuk, Albert Rizzo.
International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth), 2012.
Beyond the Standard Clinical Rating Scales: Fine-Grained Assessment of Post-Stroke Motor Functionality Using Wearable Inertial Sensors
Mi Zhang, Belinda Lange, Chien-Yen Chang, Alexander A. Sawchuk, and Albert A. Rizzo.
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2012.
USC-HAD: A Daily Activity Dataset for Ubiquitous Activity Recognition Using Wearable Sensors
Mi Zhang and Alexander A. Sawchuk.
ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp) Workshop, 2012.
A Preliminary Study of Sensing Appliance Usage for Human Activity Recognition Using Mobile Magnetometer
Mi Zhang and Alexander A. Sawchuk.
ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp) Workshop, 2012.
Sparse Representation for Motion Primitive-Based Human Activity Modeling and Recognition Using Wearable Sensors
Mi Zhang, Wenyao Xu, Alexander A. Sawchuk, and Majid Sarrafzadeh.
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2012.
Robust Human Activity and Sensor Location Co-Recognition via Sparse Signal Representation
Wenyao Xu, Mi Zhang, Alexander A. Sawchuk, and Majid Sarrafzadeh.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME), Volume 59, Issue 11, Pages 3169-3176, 2012.
Co-Recognition of Human Activity and Sensor Location via Compressed Sensing in Wearable Body Sensor Networks
Wenyao Xu, Mi Zhang, Alexander A. Sawchuk, and Majid Sarrafzadeh.
IEEE International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN), 2012.
Manifold Learning and Recognition of Human Activity Using Body-Area Sensors
Mi Zhang and Alexander A. Sawchuk.
IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), 2011.
A Feature Selection-Based Framework for Human Activity Recognition Using Wearable Multimodal Sensors
Mi Zhang and Alexander A. Sawchuk.
International Conference on Body Area Networks (BodyNets), 2011.
Context-Aware Fall Detection Using A Bayesian Network
Mi Zhang and Alexander A. Sawchuk.
ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp) Workshop, 2011.
OCRdroid: A Framework to Digitize Text Using Mobile Phones
Mi Zhang, Anand Joshi, Ritesh Kadmawala, Karthik Dantu, Sameera Poduri, and Gaurav S. Sukhatme.
International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications and Services (MobiCASE), 2009.
A Customizable Framework of Body Area Sensor Network for Rehabilitation
Mi Zhang and Alexander A. Sawchuk.
International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies (ISABEL), 2009.