Synced: MSU and AWS Present DeepAA: Fully Automated Data Augmentation Search That Rivals Human-Enhanced Approaches.
MSU Today: Advancing federated learning with Google.
MSU Today: MSU Professor Wins Amazon AWS Machine Learning Research Award.
Amazon: AWS Machine Learning Research Awards recipients announced.
MSU Today: Mi Zhang: 2020 MSU Innovation of the Year.
MSU Today: Facebook Faculty Research Award Recognizes Machine Learning Advancements at MSU.
Facebook Research: Announcing the winners of the Systems for ML research awards.
DBusiness: Research Team from East Lansing's MSU Fourth in the World at Google MicroNet Challenge.
MSU Today: MSU Team Focused on Artificial Intelligence Earns Recognition at Google MicroNet Challenge.
NVIDIA: AI Can Interpret and Translate American Sign Language Sentences.
NPR Michigan Radio: MSU team creates device to translate sign language into audio in real time.
Smithsonian: Sign Language Translating Devices Are Cool. But Are They Useful?
NSF: 4 Awesome Discoveries You Probably Didn't Hear About This Week.
Tech Xplore: New technology breaks through sign language barriers.
Futurity: Sign-language translator is as portable as chapstick.
Association of American Universities: New Technology Breaks Through Sign Language Barriers.
MSU Today: New technology breaks through sign language barriers.
Futurity: How to protect your phone as you shop and travel.
MSU Today: Protect your phone, data from grinches.
JiQiZhiXin: MSU researchers develop NestDNN: a new framework for on-device deep learning.
The Atlantic: Are you polluting your own home?
ACM TechNews: Tune Out Background Noise With MSU's New Technology.
TUN: No More Need to Turn Off Hearing Aid to Tune Out Background Noise With MSU's New Technology.
R&D Magazine: Hearing Aid Technology to Eliminate Background Noise.
Association of American Universities: MSU hearing aid technology to eliminate background noise.
Fox 47: MSU hearing aid technology to eliminate background noise.
MSU Today: MSU hearing aid technology to eliminate background noise.
WIRED: To Compete With New Rivals, Chipmaker Nvidia Shares Its Secrets.
TechCentury: Smart hearing aids: MSU researchers helping filter out unwanted noise.
NSF: 2017 NSF Hearables Challenge Winners.
Smithsonian: How Mobile Technology Can Help Universities Combat Depression.
The Conversation: Helping universities combat depression with mobile technology.
ASHRAE: New Technology Monitors, Identifies Sources of Residential Indoor Air Pollution.
Futurity: Monitor finds source of polluted air in your home.
DBusiness: MSU Engineers to Develop Indoor Air Quality System.
MSU Today: New technology monitors indoor air quality.
EdTech: Michigan State University App Helps College Students with Depression.
NSF: PFI:BIC iSee Intelligent Mobile Monitoring Depression Service for College Counseling.
iTechPost: Depression and anxiety treated through smartphone counseling on MSU campus.
University Business: MSU tackles depression with mobile technology.
ABC 7: Michigan State University professor working on mobile solution to identify pills.
MeriTalk: MSU Tackles Depression With Mobile Technology.
eCampusNews: $1M grant enables smart college counseling.
Campus Technology: Michigan State U to Develop Smart Counseling Tech.
Fox 47: $1 million NSF grant to enhance college counseling services.
NSF: NSF invests 13 million in smart, human-centered service systems.
MSU Today: $1 Million NSF grant to enhance college counseling services.
ACM TechNews: MSU Technology Could Help Keep Elderly Safe in Their Homes.
NPR Michigan Radio: MSU researcher studying new way to monitor at-risk senior citizens.
ABC 7: Wi-Fi signals could keep tabs on health of aging family members, MSU exploring possibilities.
Fox 47: MSU technology could help keep elderly safe in their homes.
CBS WLNS-TV: MSU tech project could keep seniors safe in their homes.
MSU Today: MSU Technology could help keep elderly safe in their homes.
Fox 2: Head scan technology is coming, and it's not that far off.
MSU Today: NIH Challenge winner helping solve pill-recognition problem.
TechCentury: MSU engineering wins NIH Challenge to keep track of pills.
TechCentury: MSU to study technology to help the elderly stay in their homes.
NIH: NLM Announces Pill Image Recognition Challenge Winners.
TrendinTech: This Wearable Technology Detects Health Risks and Depression.
Stanford Medicine: Engineers develop new type of wearable device.
ReadWrite: Can this new wearable detect depression?
MedGadget: HeadScan Keeps Your Jaw In Radar View.
CBS WLNS-TV: New wearable technology could help doctors track patient health.
Futurity: 'HeadScan' could alert doctor if you're depressed.
MSU Today: Wearable technology could help detect health risks, depression.
MIT Technology Review: Got Sleep Problems? Try Tracking Your Rest with Radar.
MobiHealth News: Cornell researchers use personalized algorithm in weight loss app.
Mashable: This app helps you burn calories without radically changing your routine.
MIT Technology Review: A Health-Tracking App You Might Actually Stick With.
The Huffington Post: Your Smartphone Can Tell If You're Depressed.
The Times: Check on your phone for signs of depression.
The Washington Post: How your cellphone knows if you're depressed.
TechCrunch: Your Phone Can Tell Whether You're Depressed.
CBS Chicago: Study: Smart Phones Accurately Detect Depression.
Daily Mail: How your smartphone could diagnose you with depression'.
TIME: Your Phone Knows If You're Depressed.
CNN: Can your smartphone tell you if you have depression?
CBS News: Can your smartphone tell if you're depressed?
Fox News: Smartphone sensors may detect depression, study says.
Newsweek: The Black Box: How Your Phone Can Tell That You're Depressed.
The Verge: Can your smartphone's sensors reveal if you're depressed?
Futurity: How you use your iPhone could reveal depression.
US News: Your Phone Knows You're Depressed.
Los Angeles Times: Depressed? Your cellphone might be able to diagnose you.
Chicago Tribune: Your smartphone knows if you're depressed.
Discovery News: Depressed? Your Phone Already Knows.
Live Science: Depressed? Your Smartphone May Tell.
WebMD: Daily Smartphone Use Might Offer Depression Clues.
Mirror: Spend an hour on your smartphone daily? You could be depressed.
The Telegraph: Smartphone behaviour 'could diagnose depression' says new scientific study.
The Wall Street Journal: Chainsaws, Gunshots and Coughs: Our Smartphones Are Listening.
MIT Technology Review: Wearable Self-Tracking Tool Listens for Yawns, Coughs, and Munches.
IEEE Spectrum: Smartphone App Keeps Watch Over Schizophrenic Patients.
New Scientist: Listen to sounds inside the body to monitor health.
Dartmouth Now: Harnessing the Power of Smartphones to Prevent Psychosis.
USC Annenberg News: Mobile Voices wins UN Information Technology Award.
Los Angeles Times: Giving immigrant laborers an online voice.